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20 Tips to Crack the Campus Placement Interview

Writer's picture: ASM IMBRASM IMBR

How to Crack Campus Placement Interview?

You may be good in studies, you may be good in extracurricular activities, but when it comes to interviews, you lose all confidence. Youre not alone. This is a problem with many students. They work hard throughout the course, but when it is time for the campus placement interview, it doesn't go as expected. For many students, the campus placement interview is the first interview of their life. So, the nerves are understandable. But this is something they have to crack.

There are a few tips and tricks students can follow to crack the campus placement interview. These tips are simple to follow and can be the bridge between you and placement in your dream job and company.  

20 Tips to Crack the Campus Placement Interview

Youve done the hard work, and done well in your degree course. Now it's time to cross the last hurdle between you and your career - campus placements interview.

Follow these 20 tips to crack the campus placements interview, and get ready for your dream career.

1. Pay Attention to Pre-Placement Presentations

Before the placement rounds start, each companys representative gives a presentation about their company. You have to pay attention to this presentation. During the interview, you can be asked about the presentation, so you better have the answer. This showcases your attention skills.

2. Do Mock Interviews

Your college may prepare with mock interviews, or even you can take the initiative and conduct mock interviews with your friends. You can find mock interview questions online and ask your friends to interview you. Take this exercise seriously as it will help.

3. Be on Time

Arrive at least half an hour early to the venue of the interview. This will ensure timeliness on your behalf and even give you time to do some last-minute preparation. Punctuality is a quality most companies are looking for in their employees. So, you will be setting a good precedent with punctuality.

4. Be Presentable

This tip cannot be stressed enough. A good outward appearance shows that you care about how you look. Being presentable is not just about you, it is also about your educational institute as you are a representative. Make sure your hair and nails are cut, your clothes are cleaned and ironed, and your shoes polished.

5. Be Confident, But Not Overconfident

Confidence is a quality all companies are looking for. But you have to know the difference between confidence and overconfidence. Dont be brash. The adage fake it till you make does not apply here because the interviewers are experienced and know if you are indulging in fake, confident behaviour.

6. Research on Companies Present for Placement Interviews

You have to know about the company whose representatives you are interviewing with. The interviewer may ask a few things about their company and you should be able to know enough to answer at least a few questions.

7. Take Deep Breaths

You know what happens when you take deep breaths? You deliver more oxygen to your heart, which calms nerves and allows clear thinking. So, if you are feeling nervous and anxious, just take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves, and you will feel much better.

8. Dont Get Flustered

This is your first big interview. You are bound to get a question or two wrong. But dont get flustered. If you get flustered, you can spiral away and get many questions wrong. Take a deep breath, gather yourself, and continue with confidence. Interviewers look for students who dont get flustered easily.

9. Talk About What You Love

The interviewers are also there to see your personality, and for that, they will ask you questions about the things you love to do. So, dont be afraid to speak from your heart and show your passion. Interviewers are not looking for all work, no play candidates. They want to hire students with rounded personalities.

10. Bring Enough Copies of Your Resume

In their nervousness about campus placement interviews, candidates forget to bring enough copies of the resume. Make sure you have enough copies as you will be interviewing with quite a few companies, and need to provide each a copy.

11. Make Resume According to Profile

In a campus placement interview, candidates interview for different profiles. So, make sure you have resumes specific to each profile. For example, if you are interviewing for a managerial position, the resume should showcase managerial skills. If you are trying for a technical profile, display tech skills on the resume.

12. Talk About Achievements

No, talking about your academic and extracurricular achievements will not sound boastful. Interviewers want to know about your achievements as they look for candidates who will not just do well in their job, but grow and move ahead.

13. Prepare for Aptitude Test

Many candidates dont know this, but interviewers can ask you to solve questions from aptitude tests. So, be sure to regularly do aptitude tests whenever you find free time.

14. Prepare for Group Discussions

During your campus placement interview, you may be asked to sit in a group discussion round. This round showcases your knowledge and how well you can debate and get your point across. So, make sure to practice group discussion rounds with your friends.

15. Dont Talk Too Much

Talking too much is a sign of nervousness and it can even put off the interviewer. So, you have to know how much to talk about something. Dont talk too less also. You need to have the right balance and talk enough to keep the interviewer interested.

16. Know Your Subject Well

Most of the questions you face in the interview are going to be about what you have learned in your degree course. So, even if you dont know much about other questions, you have to know about your degree and specialisations. Thats what matters most.

17. Show Tech Competence

Interviewers are also looking for technical competence. Technology is going to be a part of every industry. It's going to change the way jobs are done, and how businesses interact with customers. So, you need to be competent at using technology, so you can adapt when the time is needed.

18. Have Decent General Knowledge

You need to know what is going on in the world. Companies look for employees who are socially aware and conscious. Get in the habit of reading the newspaper. Know what's happening in the business world. Your general knowledge will be tested during your campus placement interview.

19. Ask for Honest Feedback

At the end of the interview, you can ask for feedback on how the interview went. You can ask the interviewer what went well, and which areas you need to work upon because you will be sitting for multiple interviews. Honest feedback can help you make quick changes and adapt for the next interview.

20. Even Prepare for Online Interviews

Considering the prevalent situation around the world, dont be surprised if your interview is going to be conducted online. So, you have to be prepared for an online interview. Get a good laptop, internet connection, and a quiet place where you can sit and participate in the interview as and when needed.

Final Thoughts For Students

The campus placement interview is one of the most important interviews in your professional career. So, you have to do everything in your power to ensure it goes well. But you also have to keep in mind that you will get multiple interview opportunities. So, dont put too much stress on one interview. Use the tips given above and you are bound to do well and crack your campus placement interview. So, all the best, prepare well and get ready for the start of your career.

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