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15 Reasons Why You Should Consider MBA Degree

Writer's picture: ASM IMBRASM IMBR

Graduation isnt enough. It may be enough for you to get a job, but what about dream job? And getting ahead in your career? To reach the pinnacle in your career, like managerial or administrative positions, or your own business, you need an MBA degree. MBA enrollment in the country is at an all-time high. The trend has been positive since 2012 and the numbers continue to grow. In fact, graduate students from other streams are also switching to MBA for their masters degree. Many working professionals also enroll in for an MBA after gaining work experience. Its a sure-fire career boost, and definitely worth considering. However, if you are still looking for some more convincing, here are 15 reasons why you should consider an MBA degree.

Top 15 Reasons to Do an MBA:

There are many credible reasons to do an MBA. Here are 15 solid reasons. If any of the reasons appeal to your sensibilities, and fit into your long-term goal plan, you should consider doing an MBA. You are sure to find your true calling once you get the degree and the right perspective.

1. High Salary Potential

Money is the biggest motivating factor for any professional. Therefore, a high salary is easily one of the biggest reasons to do an MBA. MBA graduates earn some of the highest salary packages in their respective industries. Since they start careers in administrative and managerial positions, the growth opportunities are also high, and the benefits that come with such positions are also excellent, making an MBA degree all the more lucrative.

2. Be Your Own Boss

In an MBA course, depending on the specialization you choose, you practically learn everything about starting your own business. From taking the first basic steps to growing the business into a brand, your MBA degree equips you to truly be your own boss. In fact, many MBA graduates, after gaining sufficient experience in a particular field and profession, go on to start their own businesses, quite successfully. Therefore, if you someday hope to start off on your own and be your own boss, a degree in MBA is worth getting.

3. Better Career Opportunities

Right off the bat, MBA graduates have better career opportunities. You can get high-profile jobs in banking, finance, investment, and other such cash-rich sectors of business. The starting salaries in such industries are high, and benefits are quite lucrative. Plus, you have better chances at promotions owing to your MBA degree as opposed to employees who do not have management degrees or experience. Therefore, you will get promotions faster thanks to your qualifications.

4. Ideal for Networking

Networking is an important part in the professional world. Business is boosted, new opportunities arise, and horizons expand. Networking with people other than your colleagues has many advantages. Even companies encourage employees to network with people belonging to different industries. Who knows what fruit it might bear. During your MBA course, you will make friends with like-minded people with whom you can even start new businesses, or get wonderful job opportunities. This is quite a common occurrence, and hence, networking opportunities is a strong reason to do an MBA.

5. Flexibility

Since MBA is a degree many working professionals also apply for, it has been designed to be flexible for their convenience. Many universities and colleges offer online MBA courses that can be taken according to convenience. There are also many MBA courses that can be done after working hours. These courses have credibility, value, and have a positive effect on the careers of people who do them. Therefore, if you are looking for an excellent degree that also allows you flexibility, MBA is the only degree to consider.

6. Credibility

An MBA degree will give your resume additional value. Companies actively look for MBA graduates before selecting anyone else. Plus, during your MBA degree, you will learn many things that will let you enter the professional world with a lot of confidence, and you will be able to have an impact as soon as you start working. And if you are going to have a business of your own, your clients and collaborators will be much more comfortable working with an MBA graduate.

7. Enhances Knowledge

MBA is a knowledge based degree. Unlike other degrees where you strictly have to only learn about your particular field, and nothing else, an MBA requires you to know about other important fields as well. A strong general knowledge of all things important goes far in your degree. You are encouraged to know about other things, and this is good in the long run, for your career and for your personal growth as well.

8. Improves Communication Skills

One of the first things you are taught in your MBA degree is how to be good at communication. Any successful professional or businessman will tell you that communication is the key to success. Those who have great communication skills get far in their field of interest. Therefore, a lot of stress is laid on communication skills and that is exactly what you will get from your MBA degree. From convincing potential clients to communicating with colleagues and subordinates, you will be taught all.

9. Personality Development

MBA is one of the few courses in the world that also has personality development as an important part of education. Most degrees are all about only having knowledge, but in an MBA, you are taught how to use that knowledge. You are also taught good manners, good communication, presentation, oration, how to carry yourself, and positive body language. These skills, not only help you in your career, they serve you well throughout life.

10. Refocus Career

Stagnation and burnouts are quite commonplace with people who have been in the same job for a long time. There is no motivation to do better or do something new. However, with an MBA degree, one can learn to refocus on their career when the chips are down. MBA teaches you how to breakdown and analyze your own performance, and device ways to improve performance, so your love for your job and business is reignited. MBA also provides you an option to move ahead or move to a different career altogether.

11. Seek New Challenges

This is one of the best reasons to do an MBA. MBA is not your run-of-the-mill masters degree. It takes hard work and dedication to do well in the degree course. Every day will be like a new challenge. Once you get your degree and a great job, you will also be equipped to take on complex and challenging tasks. An MBA truly prepares you to seek and conquer new challenges, and this should be a strong reason for you to do it.

12. Get the Competitive Edge

The biggest companies in the world are run by MBA graduates. Most new companies being started are also started by MBA graduates. It is pretty clear that an MBA degree gives you a competitive edge. The current employment market is highly competitive and need to do a lot to stand head & shoulders above others. A strong MBA course from a reputed university will put you at an advantage. From thereon, you can go strength to strength.

13. Advance Your Career

An MBA is a definite boost to your career. How? According to a latest study, 68% of companies who are hiring, actively look for MBA graduates to hire, believing them to be more valuable than other candidates. So, in the employment sector, as an MBA graduate, you have a lot more value, meaning you can also get a higher salary than most. Also, if you are already employed and then choose to do an MBA, you will automatically have better opportunities to move up into administrative and managerial roles.

14. Acquire New Skills & Perspectives

MBA courses are all about gaining new skills, skills that are rarely taught in other degree courses. You will get to learn in-depth about product, services, advertising, marketing, finance, taxation, and all other aspects involved in starting and running a business. You also gain a fresh, new perspective on things. The new skills and perspective are a strong reason to consider doing an MBA.

15. Feeds your Entrepreneurial Spirit

Many have the dream to become an entrepreneur, but do not know how to go about it. An MBA degree is one of the best ways to head into the entrepreneurial world. There are so many things to do, see, and understand. There are also many mistakes and pitfalls to be avoided. In an MBA degree, you get to learn about it all in theory and also practice it practically. An MBA will certainly feed your entrepreneurial spirit and give you the courage to take the step.

All the reasons mentioned hold true, and there are many more reasons to do an MBA, but the fact is that if you are truly serious about your career, an MBA degree from a good business school is the way to go. Therefore, make the right choice and be on the path for a fulfilling and successful career.

Now that you are sure of an MBA, get in touch our counsellors at the earliest, so they can guide you correctly for an admission and clear any other doubts regarding an MBA.

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