The deadline for CMAT 2020 registration is approaching fast. Hopefully, you are done with your registration. If not, no need to panic as here's help that will not only guide you on the process but will tell you a lot more about CMAT 2020. Making registration and online payments can be quite a tedious process, but with the right guidance, you can register and pay the fees for CMAT and start preparing.
CMAT is a competitive entrance exam whose results are considered by over 1000 colleges and institutes for their management programs. This is an excellent exam that really tests your knowledge, language, analysis and decision-making skills. So, you have to prepare hard as it will open doors for you to have a long and successful career in management, full of money and growth opportunities.
Read further below article for more details
CMAT 2020 Registration Important Dates
Before knowing about the form filling process, you should know about a few important dates regarding CMAT. These dates will let you know where you stand regarding the admissions and preparation. Here are the dates you should know about.
30th November is the last date for online registration.
1st December is the last date for paying the CMAT fees online.
24th December is from when the admit cards will be ready for download.
28th January 2020 is the date of the exam.
7th February is the date when the results will be announced.
How to Fill CMAT Application Form 2020
CMAT is a competitive entrance exam that is conducted online in English. Today, most competitive exams are conducted online. From registration, and paying the fees to getting the results, everything is now done online, making it safer and more convenient. For some people, the whole online thing can be daunting. But with the following tips, you will understand and be able to fill the application form properly. Heres how to do it.
Step 1: Register Online

You have to download the CMAT 2020 application form from here - https://cmat.nta.nic.in/webinfo/public/home.aspx - and click on the fill online application form. You will be taken to a page that has the process listed out and below is the New Registration button which you need to click. It will take you to the information bulletin page. You read it, understand, check the box, and click on the proceed button. You will now be on the Registration page where you have to fill in all the details correctly, including providing a valid email and phone number. You will also need to generate a password. Once you have submitted, a unique registration number will be allotted to you.
Step 2: Application Form
Using the unique ID and password, you have to log in to the website that will take you to the application page. Fill in all the details correctly in the application form, including the details of your qualifications. You have to submit these details, and the website will generate a unique pin and a preview page that you can use to recheck the information you have filled. If all is well, proceed to the uploading step.
Step 3: Uploading
Now, you have to upload a black & white or coloured passport size picture of yourself, along with a scanned copy of your signature. This picture and signature will appear on your admit card. Make sure the scans are of high quality and your face is clearly visible. If there are any issues, correction dates will be announced by the National Testing Agency. You will have to upload the photo and signature using the previously generated pin. Once the submission is done, the next step will be making the payment online.
Step 4: Online Payment
There are 4 methods for making an online payment - Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking or e-Challan. Only after the online payment is received, you will be eligible to sit for the CMAT. So, make sure the payment goes through successfully. You will receive an online receipt that you should download and print as proof of payment.
You have now successfully registered and paid for 2020. The next step is to wait for your admit card to be ready online for downloads.
About CMAT 2020 Application Fees
The fees for General category male students is INR 1600/- and for female students, it is INR 1000/-. OBC & Economically Weaker Section (EWS) students also have to pay INR 1000/-. ST, SC and People with Disabilities (PwD) students have to pay INR 700/-. Therefore, please check which category you belong to and pay the right amount
Key Points to Remember for CMAT Registration
Follow the process to the letter, and make sure you have a strong internet connection without any interruptions.
Make sure you have scanned copies of your passport-size photograph and signature before beginning the registration process.
Also, be sure to set a password that is unique yet easy to remember. This way, you will not have to go through the hassle of setting the password again.
Check and recheck the information filled in the form before you submit it.
Keep a copy of all the proofs of online payments that are made.
Special and reserved category students will have to provide supporting documents that prove their special status.
Last year students who have appeared for their final exams may also sit for the exam, and will get admission on a provisional basis.
30th November is the last date to register and 1st December is the last date to pay the fees. If you miss these dates, you will have to wait for the next year.
CMAT is around the corner. The first thing you have to do register. Follow the advice given above, and everything will be in order. Once this whole process is done successfully, you can then concentrate on preparing for CMAT 2020.
If you want preparation tips for CMAT 2020, you can read our blog that will guide you won preparation as well.