CMAT Exam 2020 Preparation
The Common Management Admission Test is scheduled for the 28th of January, 2020, and preparations are in full swing. 30th November is the last date for your registrations, so hopefully, you are done with registration and online fees. CMAT is a nation-wide entrance exam for graduate students who aspire to further study PGCM, PGDM, Executive PGDM, and MBA. Therefore, this is quite an important phase in a students life.
Now, coming to the main point - preparation! Students begin preparing well in advance; however, most of them still rely on a lot of traditional methods to prepare. There are many ways you can use to prepare and do well in the CMAT exam.
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How to Prepare for CMAT 2020?
Here are some of the best tips and tricks to crack the upcoming CMAT 2020 preparation. Use the ones that appeal to you most.
1. Revise, Revise, Revise
This cannot be stressed enough. You have to keep revising the subjects you will be facing in CMAT 2020. You will face 100 questions in Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, General Awareness, and Language Comprehension. Theres a lot to revise in little time. So, get out your textbooks at any given opportunity and revise.
2. Make A Study Group
Surely, a few of your college batch mates are also preparing to give the CMAT. You can join up with them and make a study group. Studying in a group has shown to be quite effective. You can help each other out understanding problems and can have a schedule that will help you follow a study regimen. You can also be each others emotional support as exam time can be quite stressful.
3. Take Coaching
There are many coaching classes that teach students how to prepare for CMAT. These coaching classes are quite popular, and many students find this more helpful than self-study and study groups. These coaching classes do a lot more than just coaching. They also offer counselling, help with online registration and form filling. So, if you think this is what you need, you can join a coaching class, but be sure to choose the right one.
4. Research Online
The internet is a goldmine of free information, so why not make use of it? If you look online, you can get all the help you need regarding CMAT. There are many websites that will offer you guidance, and even free textbooks and other related material to the CMAT exam. However, theres also a lot of useless information that is not going to help. Make sure you are getting help from the right sources.
5. Read Books
There are many best-selling books about how to crack the CMAT and other such entrance exams. Most of these books have been written by experts who regularly give CMAT and other competitive entrance exams. These books are mostly based on the methods they use to study and do well in the exam. Therefore, theres a wealth of information in these books that you will find helpful.
6. Watch Videos
If reading through a lot of information is not your thing, then you can even check out some videos. Videos and images tend to make a bigger impact on memory and help retain more information. There are many videos online that will guide you on how to solve CMAT questions, and even provide you a few handy tips and tricks. Look for videos by experts who have already cracked the CMAT. These are mostly helpful.
7. Mock Test
This is easily the best and the most trustworthy way to prepare for CMAT exams. Mock tests are as close to the actual CMAT exams as you can get. You can find mock tests online, or if you have joined a coaching institute, they also conduct mock tests. These mock tests are based on the current syllabus. Some mock tests are also compiled from the previously held CMAT exams. So, you can rest assured they will help you with your preparation.
8. Practice Solving in your Head
You need to practice solving the questions of the exam in your head. 100 questions in 3 hours is not easy. You have read and solve the answers in your head, because, other than your admit card, you are not allowed to take anything else in the exam. You need to be adept at applying logic and making calculations in your head to answer the questions correctly.
9. Take Other Entrance Exams
CAT, XAT, SNAP, MAT, etc. there are so many entrance exams, and you should attempt as many you can. Yes, it might be a slight financial burden, but all of these exams test your skills and are a great way to prepare for CMAT. These exams also make you eligible for other management programs, so that is another advantage.
10. Answering Strategy
Make an answering strategy for CMAT. You can use mock tests as a testing ground for your strategy. You need to make a strategy because you only have 3 hours (180 minutes) to answer 100 questions, which leaves you with less than 2 minutes to answer each question. Unless you have a strategy, you are not going to be able to answer maximum questions. Hence, you need to have a detailed plan, and you have to stick to that plan when you are attempting CMAT.
11. Read The Questions Well
This is the most common mistake students make - they dont read the questions properly. The questions are purposely framed in such a way that you have to pay full attention while reading them. Students make the mistake of skimming through the questions and start solving. Remember, CMAT also tests your reading and attention-to-detail abilities. Take your time and read the question properly, understand it, and you will be surprised at how easy it becomes to answer the question.
12. Solve What You Know First
From the syllabus of CMAT, there will be a topic or two in which you will be good. Use this to your advantage. The moment you get the question paper, go straight to this section and start solving. This way, you will be done with the section well before time, leaving additional time for the harder sections. Plus, solving what you know first will also give you a confidence boost in solving the rest of the sections.
13. Spend Time on Weak Points
While preparing, give additional time to the subjects you struggle with. Try and solve as many questions as you can for practice. During the exam as well, after solving the questions you know quickly, devote a little extra time to the weaker sections. The additional time will help you get the right answers.
14. Join Online Groups and Forums
You can also find many social media groups or forums that are dedicated to CMAT. Here you can find a lot of information, and get answers to your queries. There are hundreds and thousands of members who are facing exactly what you are going through, so it is great to connect with them. You'll be surprised by the information and help you will get in these groups and forums.
15. Read The Newspaper
General awareness is an important part of CMAT. Most of the general awareness questions will have questions relating to the latest happenings in the country and the world. Therefore, you need to read the newspaper daily. You can also check out the latest news online. Dedicate a specific amount of time every day to update your general awareness. This will not only help you in the general awareness section but in the other sections as well.
16. Talk To The Experts
You can find many competitive exam experts online. They will have videos, articles, and blogs on CMAT. You will also find information on how to contact them. Most of these experts are helpful and will revert to your queries. You can email them or post comments on their websites. Most of them will get back to you, although owing to their busy schedules, it may take a while. But it is always good to get advice from people who have cracked CMAT before.
17. Reach the Venue Early
This is a tip for the day of the exam. As soon as you know where your exam is going to be conducted, go and check out the venue a day in advance. This way, you will not be lost on the day of the exam. Plus, you can reach an hour or two early and revise the questions. A little last-minute studying helps, and will also help you feel confident before entering the exam venue.
18. Dont Look for Patterns
Many students make this rookie mistake. They look for patterns in the answer keys. The people who set the exam questions are some of the smartest people in their industry. So, you can rest assured that the answer options have not been set according to any pattern. If it was so, the whole point of testing a candidates aptitude would be redundant. Solve the questions with logic and common sense.
19. Be Confident
Confidence is a personality attribute that brings about success in all fields of life, so why would your CMAT exam be different. You have to be confident in your abilities and the hard work you have put in your preparation. This confidence will ensure you do well in your exam. You will not be left second-guessing your answers. Also, dont forget that confidence is a quality most management programs look for.
20. Dont Fret, Be Positive
Another personality attribute that will help you do well in the exam is positivity. You have to be positive about your preparation, and problem-solving skills. Positivity will also save you from fretting and getting into a negative head-space. When your fret and get flustered, you waste precious time and energy that could otherwise be redirected positively towards preparation and cracking the exam.
Top Books For CMA 2020 Preparation
As stated above, there are many experts who have written books on how to prepare for CMAT. Since CMAT has no age restriction, these experts regularly take the CMAT exam and score exceptionally well. They know to crack CMAT and have written books full of information on how to do well.
You can read these books a way to prepare for CMAT. Here are some of the best books that you refer to and use as a means to prepare for CMAT exam.
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Use the above-given advice and you will surely do well in your CMAT. Getting admission to a good management program is half the battle won, and the great thing about CMAT is that its questions also in a way prepare you for what you will be facing in your management course.
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