We live in the smart world where we can get everything at the touch of an app on your smartphone. So, why should your CMAT 2020 exam preparation be different? Today, many apps will help you study and prepare for competitive entrance exams like CMAT and CAT.
Applications are an excellent way to study as most students have become accustomed to the use and understanding of apps. Also, these apps have been designed by experts and serve their purpose of helping students prepare.
Read further below article for more details
Top 5 Mobile Apps for CMAT Exam 2020
Imagine you could gain access to the best information and knowledge that will help you clear your management entrance exams. No need to imagine as this is a reality. Today, you have apps that will help you study for competitive entrance exams like CMAT.
However, you cannot just download any app. There are many such apps available but most of them are not helpful. Here are the top 5 apps that have been carefully selected based on how truly helpful they are. Choose wisely.
1. MBA Test Prep

Based on user rating, the MBA Test Prep app is the best app to have when you are preparing for tests like CMAT, CAT, XAT, SNAP, etc. The app has a few paid features and a few free features. You can opt for the paid versions to get the full benefit of features like mock CAT, NMAT, CMAT, XAT and SNAP tests. You also get the latest news, Tip of the Day, the Question of the Day, and Weekly Puzzles. MBA Test Prep is a must-have app that will help you with your CMAT 2020 preparations.
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The name may not be the most creative, but MBA: NMAT CAT IIFT AIMA MAT is a good app for your CMAT preparations. No bells and whistles, this app gets straight to the point - questions and answers. There are over 3000 questions and their answers that will help you prepare for CMAT. This app and simple and useful, which are the main USPs.
3. TCY Exam Prep
With features like Exam Alerts and Challenge Zone, TCY Exam Prep is another great app that will help you with your CMAT preparations. They have questions for various entrance exams, but in the MBA category, they have questions specifically for CMAT, CAT, GMAT, XAT, SNAP, etc. Like mentioned before, they have some truly unique and attractive features. The Exam Alert feature alerts you any news relating to the exam you are taking. The Challenge Zone allows you to challenge your friends with exam questions. TCY Exam Prep makes studying a lot of fun.
4. MBA - CAT / CMAT Preparation
In this app, you get to face high-quality questions that are on par with entrance exams like CMAT and CAT. Plus, the app is designed into two sections - Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation making it the ideal app for students who want to prepare for CMAT, CAT, XAT, SNAP, MH-CET, etc. This is one of the highest-rated apps and can help you prepare.
5. IIM-CAT Test Prep
Many of these apps can be heavy and confusing, but not IIM-CAT Test Prep. This is a lightweight and hassle-free app that makes the lives of students easy. There are over 1000 high-quality questions. All of them have been divided according to different categories. Owing to the easy-to-use user interface, many students prefer IIM-CAT Test Prep. It is a highly recommended app that will help you study for your upcoming CMAT 2020.
Modern-day app is a boon for students preparing for their CMAT 2020. November 30th is the last day for registration, so make sure you have registered online. Then you can download any of the apps stated above, and get to prepare for CMAT 2020 which will be held on the 28th of January, 2020.
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